Sunday, April 27, 2008

Film by America
I haven't looked at the website, have no idea who's behind this, what their political affiliation might be, I know nuttin' 'bout it. However, the concept seemed interesting... both the way they're attempting to fund this and the subject. I'll have to say that it crossed my mind that this could be some big hoax but I'll leave it up to you, if you're interested, to check it out for legitimacy...

Political documentary calls on the masses for funding
A new documentary is looking to the public not only for content but also for financial support. Red, White & Blue: A Tale of Two Americas, which dissects how and why people choose political parties and candidates, is trying to secure funding solely through individual contributions.


Speaker Glenn Richardson will be the Guest Speaker at First Saturday Breakfast
4/27/08 (6:33 p.m.) The public is invited to join the Fayette County Republican Party at their regular First Saturday Breakfast on May 3rd. House Speaker Glen Richardson will give highlights from the previous session and answer questions. The Breakfast is held at the International House of Pancakes in Fayetteville on Hwy. 92. The meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. if breakfast is desired, at 9 a.m. for the meeting only. Casual attire. It is not necessary to be a member of the Party to attend.

Fayetteville DAR Installs New Officers
4/27/08 (9:05 p.m.) The James Waldrop Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution recently installed officers to serve for the 2008-2010 term. Installed by the Georgia State DAR Regent Elect Barbara Chastain, these Fayette County women will... More

Love Chocolate? Eat All You Want and Feel Good About It!
4/27/08 (10:31 p.m.) Promise Place, the council on domestic violence that serves Fayette, Pike, Upson and Spalding counties is inviting you to be a part of the May 17th fundraiser called Chocolate Explosion. This fundraiser will allow local businesses to showcase their chocolate treats to the public and at the same time help Promise Place to raise money for their domestic violence shelter for women and children. The event will be held at the Hollingsworth House on Hwy 54 in Fayetteville between the hours of 1pm and 7 pm. Admission is $30 for adults and $10 for children 11yrs and under and can be paid at the door. There will be no advance ticket sales. For more information on Promise Place or this event call Promise Place at 770-460-1604 and ask for Shelter Director, Vanessa Motley.

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