Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Taking the Stress Out of Vet Visits

ARA - Spring is here and for many pet parents that means taking their family cats and dogs for their annual veterinary check-up to ensure they are in good health and prepared for the upcoming flea and tick season. As most people with pets have experienced, leaving home and going to the veterinarian can be stressful...


Water-saving Secrets for Gardeners and Lawn Lovers

ARA – “Think green; save blue” will likely be the motto of environmentally aware gardeners and lawn lovers across the country this summer as drought conditions are expected to persist in many regions. “Nothing shouts ‘green’ quite like....

Get Your Body Beach-ready with Portion Control

ARA - It's time to get your beach body back. Although rising food costs and the demands of everyday life can make it difficult to adopt a diet plan, these advance planning and portion control tips...

Hot Tip for Mother's Day

Ever wondered to get the mother who has everything? Ever wonder as a mother what to give your children? Why not try....

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