Thursday, May 8, 2008

Photo to left: Riley made a guest appearance at Huddleston to meet the students and thank them for their donation. Pictured are (front, center) Riley Peek, (front row seated) Alex Pakulski, Zoe Berrian, Lenora Beard, Sydney Brazile, (second row kneeling) Da’Jia Daniel, Ashley Hines, Hannah Nauck, Avril Griessbach, (back row standing) Trevor Bishop, Abigail Owen, Jacob Meola, Trevor Wright, Garrett LeClaire, Corinne Hunt, John Mark Gagliano and Nick Paulsel. Adults are parent Michael Brazile and teacher Susan Reissing.
5/8/08 (10:20 p.m.) A study of producers and consumers not only taught students the ebb and flow of economics but also the importance of giving back to the community... More

Men's Encounter May 10th in Fayetteville
Men's Encounter, a monthly area-wide meeting for men led by Minister Jessie Asmond, will meet this Saturday, May 10, 2008, at 8:00 AM at the Hampton Inn in Fayetteville. Each session includes time of teaching, fellowship, and a question and answer period and lasts approximately two hours...

It’s the Law: Removal of Signs on Right of Way
The Georgia Department of Transportation is cautioning state political candidates and campaigns to make certain roadside signs are not placed in rights of way. Those that are will be removed by Georgia DOT maintenance crews. “Georgia law stipulates that the Department is required to maintain a safe roadway for the traveling public, which includes the immediate removal of any obstruction or hazard that may pose a threat to the traveling public,” said Georgia DOT District Engineer Thomas Howell...

Students Take Top Awards In Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest
5/8/08 (10:15 p.m.) Students from J.C. Booth Middle, Rising Starr Middle and Bennett’s Mill Middle schools wrote about their ideas of democracy as participants in the 2007 Patriot’s Pen Essay... More

Students to Promote World Peace as US Sports Ambassadors
5/8/08 (10:18 p.m.) Two Fayette Middle students will represent Fayette County and their country as People to People Sports Ambassadors at the 2008 Youth Friendship Games in Amsterdam, Holland... More

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